Western Australia



Occasional electronic newsletter from The Order of Australia Association, Western Australian Branch

[email protected] – Secretary – 26B Albemarle Street, Scarborough W A 6019 for correspondence and for any financial correspondence, the Treasurer: P O Box 477, West Perth W A 6872

Telephone: Hon. Sec. Margaret Lobo 0418 865 313

Number 3 of 2024

Calendar of events for the rest of the year





July     17     at

10:30 a.m.

“Let’s Talk About” Coffee morning

with guest speaker Prof Sir Al Ayling- Green a UK based Clinician and

Clinical Scientist. (See bio below)

Morning tea provided courtesy of St Louis Estate.

At St Louis Estate, Claremont

Please register with Margaret Lobo on

0418 865 313 or

[email protected] by 10th July

August 7 at

6:00 p.m.

Reception for King’s Birthday honours recipients City

of Perth

Invitations to come

September 18 6:30 for

7.00 p.m.

Annual Black-Tie Dinner of the OAAWA Branch

Royal Perth Golf Club


Invitations to come

October    18

noon to 3:00 p.m.

SW Region Group event –

Lunch at the Rose Hotel, Bunbury


Details of event and bookings below

October 24

10:00 a.m.

“Let’s Talk About”

White-out on Mount Erebus – The story of flight NZ901 At

RAAFA Estate Bullcreek

Bookings: details of event below

$15 for morning tea

November Date TBC

Great Southern Regional Group Gathering and ecumenical church service plus luncheon


Details to come


November 26th noon

OAAWA Branch annual Christmas luncheon

RAAFA Estate Bullcreek


Details to come

The Oration given by former Governor, Malcolm McCusker, AC KC at the opening of the national conference in Perth

Mr McCusker has given his consent to copies of his oration being distributed.

Should you wish to receive a copy electronically please write to the Newsletter editor, Bill Hassell, AM, JP at [email protected]

This fine oration is worthy of your time and attention.

Chairman’s message:

It is over – 3 years of planning culminated in a most successful and enjoyable National Conference which, from many complimentary emails received, would appear to have been enjoyed by all who attended. My particular thanks go to the members of the Conference Organising Committee and Branch Committee plus Branch members who all contributed in some way to the success we all enjoyed. My thanks also to the staff of the Hyatt Regency Hotel for whom nothing was too much trouble and ensured our delegates were well cared for.

My thanks also to our photographer Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne from 7 to 1 Photography who was unobtrusively present during the Conference and took some wonderful pictures.

These can be viewed and downloaded (free of charge) on https://tinyurl.com/59wrd39r.

A highlight of the Conference was the presentation at the Conference Dinner of Certificates to 6 young students (3 from WA) who have been awarded a Scholarship through the Foundation by His Excellency the Hon Chris Dawson AC APM. Pictures of these young

people are included in the latest issue of ‘The Order’.

We extend warm congratulations to the recipients of an honour in the Kings Birthday

Awards and look forward to welcoming you to a Reception to be hosted by the City of Perth on 7th August.

We now can look forward to other events for the rest of the year details of which are included in this Newsletter.

Bettine Heathcote AM

SW Group luncheon 18 October

  • TIME, DATE: 12noon – 3 pm Friday, 18th October,
    • 12 noon – arrive


  • Lunch (More details to come There is an excellent choice of meals and drinks)
  • From 30 State and National Updates; Introduction of new recipients; other contributions.
  • 30 Welcome and update on the Region from Mayor of Bunbury, Jaysen Miguel.
  • PARKING: Free in Bunbury for Street Parking ( 1 hour only ) and Carparks ( 3 hours ). Best option will be to park in Bunbury Entertainment Centre Carpark which is only a short walk to the Rose Hotel.
  • ACCOMMODATION: For those who need overnight accommodation there is some at the Rose Hotel itself ( 97214533 ) with other close options available at the Clifton Beach Motel ( 97926200 ), Lord Forrest Hotel ( 1800 026 370 ) or Manta Lighthouse Hotel ( 97812700 )

PLEASE RSVP by return email to Hon Barry House, AM [email protected] so I can get an accurate estimate of numbers to book for the Ballroom and meals. Further detail about the meal options and payment will come closer to the date.

“Let’s Talk About” – The Mount Erebus disaster

Topic:              White-out on Mount Erebus – The story of flight NZ901

Speaker:           Matthew Thompsett, self-confessed aviation geek

Date:                Thursday 24 October, 2024

Time:                10:00 am morning tea available from 9:45 am

Venue:             Royal Australian Air Force Association, Function Centre, 2 Bull Creek Drive, BULLCREEK. (ample free parking available).

Cost:                 $15.00 pay on entry, please bring correct money.

Your 2023-2024 Committee


Bettine Heathcote, AM


Margaret Lobo, AM


Michael Lee, OAM

WA Nominated National Board Director

Clive Robartson AM

Committee persons

Michael Bleus, OAM


Lorraine Hammond, AM


Bill Hassell, AM, JP


Judith Hogben, AM


Ronald Louis, OAM


Brad Norman, AM



Jackie Scurlock, OAM


Rebecca Tolstoy, AM

Great Southern Group of the WA Branch Convenor

Janet Savage, OAM, JP

South West Group of the WA Branch Convenor

Hon Barry House, AM

Peel Group of the WA Branch Convenor

Professor Jo Barker, AM

Newsletter editor

For input and material, please send to Bill Hassell, AM, JP – [email protected]

Best wishes,

Bettine Heathcote, AM


The Order of Australia Association, WA Branch. [email protected] 0407 195 040


Professor Sir Al Aynsley-Green Kt

Our guest speaker at “Let’s Talk About” on 17 July

Sir Al was born in the North of England near Newcastle upon Tyne, he trained in medicine at Guy’s Hospital in London and in paediatric endocrinology in the University Children’s Hospital in Zurich Switzerland. He gained a D.Phil. on the mechanism of insulin secretion at the University of Oxford.

He initially did not enjoy paediatrics as a medical student, being unable to take the guilt and grief of

parents of a 2-year-old child who had sat in a bucket of boiling water when her Mum was distracted; it took her two weeks to die.

He trained in Oxford in adult medicine specialising in adult diabetes and endocrinology.

His experience of the care of his sick daughter by a wonderful, compassionate paediatrician made him switch paths to retrain in paediatrics, seeing the opportunities for research in paediatric endocrinology.

He has held senior leadership responsibilities taking on teaching roles as well as being a clinician and

clinical scientist. He was Professor of Child health in Newcastle upon Tyne, then went to London as the first Board level Executive Director of Clinical R&D at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and Nuffield

Professor of Child Health at University College, London. He was the first National Clinical Director for Children in Government, then in 2005 he was appointed the first Children’s Commissioner for England, being responsible for promoting the best interests of the 11million children of England. In that role wanted to make England a place where children felt respected, listened to, loved, safe, happy, and able to reach their full potential.

He has also been President of the British Medical Association, and most recently was appointed the first Professor of Compassionate Care in the UK in Northampton University.


In 2006 he was recognised by the HM Queen Elizabeth in her 80th Birthday Honours with a Knighthood for his services to children and young people.

At the age of 10 he experienced the death of his Father with poor support for the grieving child. His recent experiences with the illnesses and untimely death of his beloved wife through the cruelty of vascular

dementia has triggered his latest campaigning for support for end-of-life care, confronting the mismatch between the wonders of medical science and the erosion of the humanity of care.

He likes to listen as well as talk. Sir Al wants to learn from us as well as discuss his experiences. His mantra is “Compassion is a hard, active concept; it can be measured, taught, and audited. It is putting yourself in the shoes of others and doing something about it.”


Occasional electronic newsletter from

The Order of Australia Association, Western Australian Branch

It’s all about the National Conference …

This year the Western Australian Branch of the Order of Australia Association is host to the annual national conference.

All members of the Association are eligible and invited to attend.

Registrations are going well with numbers of members from eastern States branches already registered.

Time for Western Australian members to commit!

Outline programe:

Thursday 16 MayReception at Government House
Friday 17 May

Conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel

All sessions, morning and afternoon tea and lunch

Saturday 18 May

Annual General Meeting of the Order of Australia Association

and Members’ Forum, at the Hyatt

Saturday 18 May

Conference Dinner including Scholarships of the Order of Australia Foundation awards presentations

Gala event of the Conference at the Hyatt, including entertainment by the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts.

In the presence of HE the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia

Sunday 19 MayWreath laying at the War Memorial, King’s Park, followed by
Sunday 19 MayFarewell Lunch at Frasers Restaurant, King’s Park
Sunday 19 May

Ecumenical Choral Evensong at St George’s Cathedral, St

George’s Terrace, Perth

For more information and to register for the National Conference:


Western Australian Chairman’s report

The City of Stirling were, once again, our hosts for the 2024 Australia Day Honours Reception. It was a very successful evening with 31 recipients of an award joining members and guests together with the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Stirling.

How quickly the year is flying past – already halfway through March and the National Conference is drawing ever closer. I am pleased to tell you we already have a good number of registrations but we need more. There will be an E News going out to all members across the country to encourage those who have not already registered to do so. This E News will include details of our Speakers something a number of people have asked for. There are a number of WA members already registered but we need many more.

Volunteers needed for the conference:

We will need volunteers to assist in a number of ways to assist the smooth running of the Conference. If you are able to assist in any of the following areas please contact Velma Tomasich [email protected] to register your interest.

We will need:

2 people to insert name labels into the holders on Tuesday 14th May at the Hyatt

3 people to pack “goodies” into Conference bags on Tuesday 14th May at the Hyatt

6 people to act as “Hosts” over the 3 days of the Conference (2 each day)

2 people to distribute Conference bags at the Registration Desk

2 Transport Marshalls on Thursday 16th and Sunday 19th

2 people to assist on the Merchandise Table (experience with an Eftpos machine would be helpful)

Visit to Hainault Winery now 6th April

The WA Branch has been invited to participate in the Government House Open Days on 13th and 14th April which is an opportunity for us to speak with a wide variety of people we otherwise would not meet.

Therefore, we have brought our visit to Hainault forward a week. Details are as follows:

Hainault Winery and Cellar door 255 Walnut Road, Bickley

12.00 noon on 6th April for a talk on managing an organic vineyard, wine tasting, shared platter lunch, followed by coffee and cake

RSVP to Margaret Lobo 0418 865 313 by 29th March please. Payment $50 each by EFT to BSB 036-237 A/C 456289 Extracted from Hainault’s website:

“Hainault is a boutique cellar door situated in the picturesque Bickley Valley, just 25 km from the Perth Central Business District. Nestled in Jarrah forest on the Darling Scarp at an elevation of 400 m. Hainault is the highest vineyard in Western Australia and is in one of the coldest parts of the State. All of our wines are made from estate grown, hand harvested fruit using minimal interventions”.

Dates for your Diary: 18th September Annual Dinner Royal Perth Golf Club

Newsletter editor

26th November Christmas Lunch RAAFA Bullcreek

For input and material, please send to Bill Hassell, AM, JP – [email protected]

[email protected] – Secretary – 26B Albemarle Street, Scarborough W A 6019 for correspondence and for any financial correspondence, the Treasurer: P O Box 477, West Perth W A 6872

Telephone: Hon. Sec. Margaret Lobo 0418 865 313

Recent photographs from Branch events courtesy Jackie Barnwell:

Annual General Meeting, February at Matilda Bay

Reception for Australia Day awardees at the City of Stirling:

Your 2023-2024 Committee

ChairmanBettine Heathcote, AM
SecretaryMargaret Lobo, AM
TreasurerMichael Lee, OAM
WA Nominated National Board DirectorClive Robartson AM
Committee personsMichael Bleus, OAM
Lorraine Hammond, AM
Bill Hassell, AM, JP
Judith Hogben, AM
Ronald Lewis, OAM
Brad Norman, AM
Jackie Scurlock, OAM
Rebecca Tolstoy, AM
Great Southern Group of the WA Branch ConvenorJanet Savage, OAM, JP
South West Group of the WA Branch ConvenorHon Barry House, AM
Peel Group of the WA Branch ConvenorProfessor Jo Barker, AM