The Order of Australia Association
National Conference 2019
The Conference Programme
Each day’s activities described below will have additional detail added.
Tuesday, 9th April 2019
- Tour 1 – Colonial Resourcefulness (this tour is at capacity)
Wednesday, 10th April 2019
- Tour 2 – Fab Farm to Fork (this tour is at capacity)
- National Board Dinner.
Thursday, 11th April 2019
- National Board Meeting
- 6.00 pm Government House Reception. Bring your tickets as they are required for entry.
Dress: Lounge suit/day dress and miniature medals.
Friday, 12th April 2019
- 9am Tour of two nearby international specialised marine businesses, Incat the manufacturer of ocean going wave piercing catamarans and Liferaft Systems Australia formed specifically for the design and manufacture of high quality Marine Evacuation Systems for all types and sizes of passenger & personnel carrying vessels. Dress neat casual and lapel pins.
- 2.00 pm Official Welcome and National Oration to be delivered by The Hon Lara Giddings, former State Minister and first female Premier of Tasmania.
Following the Oration we will adjourn for an afternoon tea including drinks.
Dress: Neat casual. - Government Reception. Unfortunately this reception is not possible to be held.
Saturday, 13th April 2019
- 9.30 am Annual General Meeting. Dress: Neat casual and large medals.
- 11.00 am Members’ Forum. Dress: Neat casual.
- 2.15 pm Symposium. Refer here for details of the speakers. Dress: Neat casual.
- 7.00 pm Conference Dinner and Foundation Award Presentations. Dress formal: Black tie, Mess Dress for uniformed service members, for ladies after 5 wear. Neck decorations and miniatures should be worn.
Sunday, 14th April 2019
- 10.00 am Service of Remembrance and Wreath Laying at the historic Anglesea Barracks that is Australia’s oldest continuously occupied military establishment. Dress: Jacket and tie with large medals.
- 12 noon. Farewell Lunch at The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania the senior yacht club and the first to be established in Tasmania. Amongst its members are many international sailors and world sailing champions. The Club is well know for finishing the famous Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. Dress: Neat casual.
Monday, 15th April 2019
Tuesday, 16th April 2019
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