Regional Contacts & Activities
How Queensland regional groups are assigned
In the Queensland Branch we have eight regional groups located outside of the Greater Brisbane area (metro area).
The postcode of the location where a member resides determines the regional group to which they are assigned or whether they are members in the metro area.
(a) Members in Metro Area
Members who reside in locations with Australian postcodes
4000 to 4184 but not 4133
4300 to 4340 and
4500 to 4504
are regarded as being in the metro area.
(b) Members in a Regional Group
Members who reside in locations with Australian postcodes other than those above are assigned to a regional group. The postcodes used to determine each regional group are as follows
Name of Regional Group
Gold Coast
Sunshine Coast
Darling Downs
Wide Bay-Burnett Regional Group
Central Queensland
Far North Queensland
2478 to 2490; 4205 to 4287; 4133
4505 to 4580 but not 4520
4341 to 4498 (based on Toowoomba)
4581 to 4678
4680 to 4736 (based on Rockhampton)
4737 to 4805
4806 to 4850
4852 to 4888 (based on Cairns)
You can refer to All postcodes in Queensland issued by Postcodes Australia to determine specific locations covered by particular postcodes
Regional Conveners
Gold Coast:
Sandra Doumany OAM
Wide Bay-Burnett Regional Group
Judy Peters OAM
David Jackson OAM
Contact details for these regional group conveners are listed in the Queensland Branch pages of each edition of the Members’ national magazine The Order
Sunshine Coast
Marjorie Voss OAM
Central Queensland
Wal Taylor OAM
Far North Queensland
John Hardy OAM
Darling Downs
Megan McNicholl OAM
Carmel Daveson AM
Please check for events and activities in the Upcoming Events page or refer to the Association Newsletter or contact the relevant regional group convener in your region (details above).
Please note: Association members may attend any Queensland event or function. It matters not where you live.
As a member of The Order of Australia Association, you may book up and attend any Queensland Branch event run in the metro area as well as any regional event run by any regional group. This invitation is not just for members of the Queensland Branch but is also extended to members visiting Queensland from other interstate or overseas Branches.