Queensland Branch – eNews
Queensland Branch off to a great start in 2018
Our Annual Dinner preceded by our Annual General Meeting on Monday evening 19 March got the Queensland Branch’s events programme off to a great start. One hundred and thirty –three guests attended the Dinner; the best attended for many years.
A highlight of the Dinner was an excellent occasional address from MAJGEN Professor John Pearn AO KStJ RFD, an internationally recognised surgeon, author, teacher, and past Surgeon-General of the Australian Defence Force. John spoke on a most interesting topic “The Symbols of Queensland – The Maltese Cross and the Colour Maroon”. John’s address touched on the Maltese Cross and its origins; the special association of Queen Victoria and the emblem of the Maltese Cross identified with Queensland; and Queen Victoria’s association with her favourite colour maroon. Many Queensland institutions have chosen to adopt the colour to promote their identity over the years.
Celebrating our Queenslanders recognised in this year’s Australia Day Honours
On Thursday 24 May 2018 the Queensland Branch will celebrate the outstanding achievements of a number of our newest award recipients in the Order of Australia with a Luncheon at a new venue at Boulevard Gardens, 284 Witton Road, Indooroopilly. The Queensland Branch has been successfully running these luncheons for new award recipients since May 2011.
We would be delighted to see members from the Queensland Branch attend the event. A promotional flyer is available on the Queensland pages of the website or by contacting Geoff Cowles OAM, the Branch Secretary, on 07-3351 4991 or at [email protected] The cost is $60 per person.
Many happy returns Your Majesty
The Queensland Branch is combining with the Victoria League for Commonwealth Friendship Brisbane for a Gala Dinner on Saturday 9 June 2018 in the ornate dining room of The Queensland Club in the historical George Street precinct in the Brisbane CBD, to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday.
The cost is $135 per person for a 3 course dinner, all drinks including pre-dinner drinks and Hors d’oeuvres on arrival from 6:30pm. As a special treat we look forward to Vanessa Chuah, a 2016 recipient of one of the Queensland Branch’s Secondary Schools Citizenship Awards presenting some musical items.
We will celebrate not only the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, but also the wonderful life of devoted, loyal service of a truly remarkable lady.
A promotional flyer is available on the Queensland pages of the website or from Geoff Cowles OAM, the Branch Secretary, on 07-3351 4991 or at [email protected]
Solid Queensland contingent attending the 32nd National conference in Adelaide
At time of writing the Queensland Branch is pleased to report that the Branch will have a contingent of 27 attending this year’s National Conference in Adelaide from 3 to 6 May 2018.
The group is looking forward to meeting with fellow award recipients from all Branches across Australia and to enjoy the hospitality of the South Australian Branch and the excellent events and information sessions.